Sunday, August 23, 2009

Very little work Friday

Started off my day sleeping in until almost 6. Next stop was the MVD. I had to sell off my truck which had a vanity plate on it. Got there at 7:45, waited in line, got in and got called to a window at 8:04. Now here is where it gets goofy. I can go online and order up a new vanity plate anytime I want for an existing vehicle and they would charge me the fee and send it to me. It turns out if I have an existing plate I can only swap it at the next renewal. I fail to understand why I cannot just pay the fee and swap it out.

The MVD happens to be 2 blocks from my apt. and my hair stylist is also in the neighborhood. So I get out of the MVD at 8:12 and go back to the apt to cool my heels until 9. Getting there 10 minutes early I beat out an old lady by about 3 steps to get my stylist first.

So then I go to work for a bit and take off for lunch at the Golden Greek (35th North of Glendale, review on Yelp) which was pretty good.

By the time I did all the running around, put in a couple of orders and chatted with a bunch of customers I think I go maybe an hours worth of actual work done the whole day.

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