Friday, May 22, 2009


No, I really couldn't afford a new car but the divorce agreement was written in better economic times. And I need a vehicle to deliver saw blades with. No cash out of pocket, 0% interest for 60 months. With the back seats down there is quite a bit of room back there. I can even put in 8' lumber by folding the RF seat back down. It even has it's own phone number.


Knitterman said...

Did the old car/truck die? why does the divorce agreement have anything to do with it? Is this one yours or Gale's or owned by the business? Nice looking vehicle, anyway. I notice you don't indicate make/model.

SharpScott said...

The Tracker is now Gales. No way was I going to tear up the truck doing deliveries. Most folks know looking at it it is a Chev HHR. They are rather distinctive. The picture makes it look silver, it is really light brown.