Saturday, August 1, 2009

Period panties

Aka granny panties, briefs. I came of age in the last decade or so of the use of belts and napkins. Tampons were just starting to become available and self stick pads were not yet designed. All that hardware took a lot of containment so all women wore full briefs during their period. Before PMS was defined it was semi popular thought that the mood changes were in part due to the inconvenience of dealing with a period. I remember my ex and I coined term B-flats as they just were not as sexy as the panties she normally wore. So just why am I moved to remember this particular piece of nostalgia? Oh yes, this is supposed to be a movie review.

Zack and Miri make a porno.

2008, R, Seth Rogan, Elizabeth Banks

One of the early scenes is some kids taking a voyeur photo of Miri in her "period panties" as she is changing clothes at Zacks work. In spite of the title it's actually a chick flick. Funny in many places, a little gross in a couple of places. Of course only the supporting actors/actresses are ever seen without clothes. I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG that movie was hilarious!!!!!!!!! Seth Rogan rocks..., hey now some guys like granny panies... lmao..., once again, sex sells. -arod