Saturday, January 23, 2010


We very seldom get real winter storms here. The kind that make the cold damp just take over your body and give forth never ending rain for hours that varies from sprinkles to heavy showers. This week we had two such storms, they had lost considerable power by the time they made it to Arizona from the coast but were still pretty good. On Tuesday we had one that hit mid-afternoon and rained until about bedtime and on Thursday we had one that started about 3AM and was still sprinkling when I went to bed about 9. Total was over 2" for the week. It has rapidly raised the levels in lakes and added more snow in Northern Arizona. The last time we had a major series of winter storms was in 93 just before I moved here. As much as I really enjoy the heat I also love listening to the rain fall. Thursday I was out driving in it which wasn't much fun though. The streets around here do not shed water quickly so there were some streets under water from curb to curb.

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