Sunday, March 29, 2009

Busy Weekend

Actually my weekend sort of started on Tuesday. After closing I rushed across town to The Mission for a happy hour sponsored in part by Yelp. I close at 4:30 it started at 5:00 and it is a 30 minute drive at the best of times. So much for best of times, I was going through the center of town in rush hour and managed to find an accident. I still made it in 45 minutes even after circling to find a parking spot I could fit my truck into. Met a whole bunch of new folks including the Yelp community director. I was going to try and make a run to Sweet Republic but after 3 beers and 3 hours I headed for home.

It turns out meeting the community director was a bonus in itself. I already had a good reputation on Yelp and she was suitably impressed that she nominated me for Elite status the next day.

Friday night was a birthday party for one of the Yelpers I hang with at Bomberos wine bar. About 20 people showed up and we had a great time. I was more than well received because I made chocolate covered strawberries. While there CP asked if I would like to be +1 at an Official Yelp Elite Event. It seems the woman she had asked before had to cancel so there was an extra seat but I would have to check in as and wear Emily's name tag. I have met Emily and she is much better looking than I am. :-).

Skip to Saturday. I had a change of clothes in the truck so I could take off early and go to the event at the Breakfast Joynt. I had two emails awaiting me: One from CP with the details of the event and another from Gabi congratulating me on being Elite. So I got to go as myself! Pigged out, had a great time.

I am behind on restaurant reviews. Two of the events I attended I have reviews for on my Yelp profile page if anybody cares to follow the link.

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