I knew there was rain in the overnight forecast. This time of year it hardly ever amounts to much. Early this morning there was an exception, a thunderstorm rolled though about 5:30. Cool!
Then I went to go to work about 8:30 and realized my truck was as wet on the inside as it was out. On the way home yesterday I was battling a pesky fly in the cabin and had the passenger window down about an inch. Neglected to close when I got home and now the passenger seat is soaked. That part is just funny and it will eventually dry.
I got to work and the wind driven rain had breached the store front and soaked some saw blade boxes. I have the boxes drying now but the blades will most likely become solid rust and need to be sold at discount. Also it came into the shop around the base of the cooler but that just created a slick spot I have to be careful around.
what kind of blades? If they are the big circular blades, they make EXCELLENT bases for art projects. Cleaned, dulled (for safety), and coated, they can be painted or otherwise permanently protected. LOADS of kitchsy art projects. Seriously, if you must sell at discount, consider spreading the word among folk artists. Think "eBay".
Heck if they have a center hole, they can be made into clocks!
Let's talk. Bo is always looking for ways to make money. So am I.
A) So far it looks like I got them all out of the damp environment in time.
B) Even discounted for blemishes these blades would be worth well over $100 each plus labor to make them safe for your art projects. :-)
out of my budget, but LOTS of metal artists are accustomed to such purchases. Just something to consider if you can't sell other bits and parts in the future. :-)
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