Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lifestyle changes

Yesterday I stopped in at Albertson's to get a lottery ticket and pick up a few things. Other than vegetables I really had nothing special on my list and browsed through the store. Saw some meat that looked good but didn't buy it as now I get free range beef and humanely raised pork from the Meat Shop and free range beef and Buffalo from Sprouts. I saw butter was on sale for $2.50lb but passed because I get it at Costco for $1.60lb. I knew I was low on beer but passed the aisle because it is about $5.00 a case less expensive at Total Wine. Box wine was on sale, for $2.00 a box more than the everyday price at Total wine. Eggs were on the mental list too but the locally grown ones are much cheaper at Sprouts. Frozen veggies are much cheaper at Wal-mart for the same brands. I am getting spoiled living in a big city. With the exception of the Meat Shop all of these places are in my neighborhood. In some cases I buy better stuff for me and in others I buy the same stuff at lower prices. I still like Albertson's but it is no longer my only grocer.

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